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Importance of Assessing Your Existing SharePoint and Teams Content for Access Control Before Adopting Microsoft Copilot

· 4 min read
James Yip
Managing Director

In today's digital workspace, tools like Microsoft SharePoint and Teams have become essential for collaboration, document management, and communication. With the upcoming integration of Microsoft Copilot, an AI-driven assistant designed to enhance productivity and streamline tasks, it's crucial to ensure that your existing content is secure and properly managed. One of the most critical steps in this process is conducting a thorough assessment of your current SharePoint and Teams content for access control. Powell Governance can be a valuable ally in this endeavor.

Why Assess Access Control?

1. Protect Sensitive Information

  • SharePoint and Teams are often used to store and share sensitive information, including proprietary data, financial records, and personal information. Ensuring that only authorized users have access to this data is crucial to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.

2. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

  • Many industries are subject to strict regulatory requirements regarding data security and privacy. Assessing access control helps ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others, thereby avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

3. Enhance Productivity

  • Proper access control ensures that users have access to the information they need without unnecessary barriers. This enhances productivity by reducing the time spent on managing permissions and resolving access issues.

4. Prepare for AI Integration

  • Microsoft Copilot uses AI to analyze and interact with your data. Ensuring that access controls are in place means that the AI can function effectively without exposing sensitive data to unauthorized users. Proper preparation is key to maximizing the benefits of AI while maintaining security.

Steps to Assess Access Control with Powell Governance

1. Comprehensive Audit

  • Conduct a thorough audit of your existing SharePoint and Teams content. Powell Governance provides tools to analyze current permissions, identify potential security risks, and highlight areas that need attention.

2. Identify Sensitive Content

  • Use Powell Governance to identify and classify sensitive information within your SharePoint and Teams environments. This helps in applying the right access controls to protect critical data.

3. Review and Update Permissions

  • Assess current permissions and make necessary updates. Powell Governance allows you to streamline this process, ensuring that permissions are aligned with your organization’s policies and user roles.

4. Implement Best Practices

  • Powell Governance provides best practices and recommendations for access control management. Implement these practices to ensure a secure and efficient environment.

5. Continuous Monitoring

  • Access control is not a one-time task. Continuous monitoring is essential to maintain security. Powell Governance offers tools for ongoing monitoring and alerts to address any potential issues promptly.

Benefits of Using Powell Governance

1. Simplified Management

  • Powell Governance simplifies the complex process of access control management, making it easier for IT teams to manage permissions and security.

2. Enhanced Security

  • With its comprehensive tools and continuous monitoring, Powell Governance ensures that your SharePoint and Teams environments remain secure.

3. Compliance Assurance

  • By helping you maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, Powell Governance reduces the risk of legal issues and fines.

4. Increased Productivity

  • Efficient access control management reduces the administrative burden on IT teams and ensures users have the access they need to perform their tasks effectively.


Before integrating Microsoft Copilot into your SharePoint and Teams environments, conducting a thorough assessment of your existing content for access control is essential. With the help of Powell Governance, you can ensure that your data remains secure, compliance is maintained, and productivity is enhanced. By taking these steps, you'll be well-prepared to leverage the full potential of Microsoft Copilot while safeguarding your organization's critical information.

Contact us to schedule an assessment before you enable Copilot in your Microsoft 365 tenant