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在採用 Microsoft Copilot 之前,評估現有 SharePoint 和 Teams 內容的訪問控制的重要性

· 閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
James Yip
Managing Director

在今天的數位工作空間中,像 Microsoft SharePoint 和 Teams 這樣的工具已成為協作、文件管理和通信的基本工具。隨著即將整合的 Microsoft Copilot,一個旨在提高生產力和簡化任務的 AI 驅動助手,確保您現有的內容是安全且妥善管理的是至關重要的。這個過程中最關鍵的步驟之一是徹底評估您當前 SharePoint 和 Teams 內容的訪問控制。Powell Governance 可以成為這項工作的寶貴助手。

Ensuring Secure Collaboration - Preparing Microsoft Teams for Copilot and Generative AI Tools

· 閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
James Yip
Managing Director

In the contemporary landscape of digital collaboration, Microsoft Teams has emerged as a powerhouse, facilitating seamless communication and productivity for teams worldwide. With the recent announcement of Microsoft Copilot and other generative AI tools, the potential for enhanced collaboration and efficiency is immense. However, alongside the excitement of these innovations, it is imperative for organizations to prioritize the security of their Teams environment. Here's why tidying up Microsoft Teams' security before rolling out Copilot and similar AI tools is crucial.